Discover Genetic Polymorphism
Main Service
At YouTomorrow we offer an in-depth study of the genetic properties of our participants. You can contact us through this web page and be guided through the process. When it is necessary to take the sample, you must follow the following steps:

Step #1

Step #2
Hold the tube upright and unscrew the funnel. *Before removing the funnel, shake it gently to ensure that the preservative solution flows into the tube.

Step #3
Close the collection tube with the stopper.

Step #4
Shake the tube up and down 5 times to mix the saliva and preservative solution.
Discard the used funnel.

Step #5

Step #6

Spit into the funnel until the amount of saliva (not bubbles) reaches the marked line.*If the saliva does not flow easily, gently shake the collection tube.Filling
Hold the tube upright and unscrew the funnel.*Before removing the funnel, shake it gently to ensure that the preservative solution runs into the tube.Sealing
Close the collection tube with the stopper.Mixing
Shake the tube up and down 5 times to mix the saliva and preservative solution. Discard the used funnel.Shipment
Send us the sample to the contact address (free of charge) in the prepaid envelope that accompanies the kit sent by us for sample collection.Done!
Approximately four to six weeks after the sample reaches us, we will contact you to notify you of the availability of your results.Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Features and Benefits
With the YOU TOMORROW Genomic Analisis there are countless measures that can be taken given the results of the test. Every person that goes thru it has the opportunity to improve their health and lifestyle significantly, some of the benefits that can derive from the study are:
- Anticipate in the detection of diseases, syndromes, and disorders, even before birth.
- Control the causes that give rise to diseases, syndromes, and disorders.
- Eliminate, in advance, the causes that originate diseases, syndromes or alterations in children, adolescents and young adults.
- Accurate diagnosis to identify misdiagnosed (false positives) or confused diseases, syndromes, and disorders.
- Select medications for personalized use in the correct doses and frequency.
- Select “smart” foods and nutrients.
- Suggest the type of sport that could be practiced by each person.
- Improve skills and physical abilities.
- Identify toxic and addictive substances.
- Delay and reverse the aging process to extend life with quality.
- Know ancestral origins.
Tailored Services
In addition to accurate diagnoses, you will receive recommendations focused on the prevention, control, treatment or remission of your already established health conditions or those with the possibility of developing.
In addition to accurate diagnoses, you will receive recommendations focused on the prevention, treatment, control or remission of your already established health conditions or those with high possibilities of developing from our specialists.

There is a variability of 0.01% in the genes of each individual. Find out what makes it different!
Below we answer frequently asked questions from our users.
The human genome is unique, but there is a variability of 0.01% of the genes that determines that each person differs from others in terms of hair color, eyes, skin, size, shape of ears, eyes, nose, etc. . This uncertainty also means that the proteins that each person produces are in some cases different or simply are not synthesized (generated) by the body in the necessary quantities. Precisely, this process is what determines the risk levels for each individual to develop or not certain disorders, syndromes, diseases or age rapidly while others are long-lived.
After the discovery of the human genome, the foundations were laid so that trained scientists can “read” all the “letters” that make up this complex biological system. Progressively, laboratory techniques and artificial intelligence systems have been developed that make it possible to replicate the genome of a person, in particular, and at the same time understand how small, or large, variations in the “letters” have implications for coding (production). , or not, of a protein or several of these. This mixture of advanced technologies allows to execute very precise statistical correlations that facilitate accurate diagnoses in advance of syndromes, alterations, diseases; know how we age; determine which are the harmful substances that we should not consume; decipher the metabolism of drugs to understand whether or not they are suitable for a particular person; and to be able to select which foods are suitable for each individual in particular.
Food contains minerals, vitamins, fats, proteins, sugars, and thousands of other nutritional compounds that are used as substrates, or raw materials, for living organisms to develop, grow, and reproduce. However, since we are not all genetically the same, then some of the nutrients are more necessary in quantities and qualities in some people than in others; and it also happens that some people (due to their genetic alterations) cannot consume some nutrients, contained in some foods, because the genetic alterations prevent the production of proteins (enzymes) that transform the nutrients present in these foods. When that happens, then they accumulate in tissues and organs to trigger diseases, syndromes, alterations and others that usually cause the death of the person if we do not know that with actions such as stopping consuming certain foods, then the person would be out of danger.
Drugs in the long process they go through, from the moment they are administered until they exert their effects, are exposed to the action of groups of enzymes (produced by indications of genes) that transform them into active compounds that are the ones that, in the In most cases, they definitely exercise actions to cure, prevent, control or treat diseases, syndromes and alterations. This means that if you have genetic alterations that influence the metabolism of the drug, one of the following events could occur: (1). Do not metabolize the drug so it is not transformed and accumulates in organs and tissues; (2). You will metabolize it slowly; (3). It will metabolize it moderately; (4). It will metabolize it ultra fast. Therefore, the way in which medications are metabolized according to the particular genetics of each individual are the elements to take into consideration to select the use, or not, of a medication in the appropriate doses and frequencies without causing risks to health.
Knowing the relationship between the particular genetics of each person makes it possible to understand: (1). Types of muscle fibers; (2). Types of collagens;(3). Propensity to inflammation; (4). Cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory capacity; (5). Ways in which the person can transform or assimilate fats, sugars and proteins; (6). Factors related to the osteoarticular system; among others that are essential to determine if the person can dedicate or train in sports of resistance, speed, elasticity, etc. and to the same extent increase physical performance by up to 30% in relation to what could be done without the use of natural compounds and smart foods according to their genetics.
Substances such as coffee, alcohol, cannabis and others are transformed in the body, as are medicines, by the action of enzymes, or groups of these, which are produced to a greater or lesser extent depending on the genes that have been expressed in each particular individual. Therefore, if you present alterations in the genes that indicate the production of the enzymes that transform these substances, then, unlike your parents, you will present tolerance problems and therefore you should not consume them. This is a phenomenon that can be seen, even between two twins.